Kingspan Group PLC - Kingscourt, Ireland-based building materials supplier - Launches buyback for up to 1.5 million shares to run from Friday and be completed by the end of 2024. Kingspan says the.
Ahead of its annual general meeting on Friday morning, Kingspan Group PLC said it had a reasonable first quarter, despite a sluggish start to the year due in part to seasonal factors.
The Kingscourt,.
Kingspan Group plc (LON:KGP – Get Free Report)’s share price crossed below its two hundred day moving average during trading on Wednesday . The stock has a two hundred day moving average of GBX 72.93 ($0.91) and traded as low as GBX 72.50 ($0.90). Kingspan Group shares last traded at GBX 72.80 ($0.91), with a […]
Chicago, April 18, 2024 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) The Building Thermal Insulation Market is estimated to grow from USD 29.2 billion in 2023 to USD 37.0 billion.