Published: 12 March 2021
PHILIPSBURG: - The Committee for Constitutional Affairs and Decolonization (CCAD) held its first committee meeting on Wednesday 10th March 2021. Chairperson of the Committee MP Ludmila Duncan requested that the first meeting be closed-door in order to discuss the working methods of the committee.
“In my capacity as Chairperson, I presented a proposal on the contextual framework for the committee as well as a proposal to host a roundtable discussion of experts to discuss the democratic deficits in the Kingdom Charter and possible ways forward,” stated the MP. Local experts will be invited to present position papers and present their views in Parliament. This would be the first roundtable discussion held in Parliament.
No role for CfT and Kingdom Government in St. Maarten
When the Netherlands joined the United Nations in 1945, it committed itself to two fundamental obligations as far as St. Maarten is concerned. The first was to fulfill in good faith its obligations under the United Nations ( present ) Charter and the second was to ensure a full measure of self-government for St. Maarten.
The idea behind the Full Measure of Self-Government was to ensure that European colonial powers no longer exercised control over colonized peoples. The United States and Russia had just defeated Nazism in Europe. Just as the United States and Russia had helped to free Europe from Nazi domination, both nations were demanding that European colonial states free their colonial peoples from foreign domination. That was the basis behind the concept of a Full Measure of Self-Government or decolonization if you will. The Netherlands signed onto the UN Charter and ratified it. Therefore, it is bound t
Published: 22 January 2021
PHILIPSBURG: - As has been stated in the general media, Pro Soualiga Foundation has been engaged in two court cases regarding the implementation of the CRE (COHO) and the validity of the Kingdom Charter. Due to the aforementioned concurrent court cases, Pro Soualiga Foundation has incurred extensive legal bills. While the financial implications will never be a deterrent to pursuing and finalizing St. Maarten s decolonization process, Pro Soualiga remains eternally thankful to those who have covered our legal costs thus far. Through their acts of benevolence and generosity, Pro Soualiga can continue engaging in its legal discourse with the Dutch State regarding the validity of the Kingdom Charter and the finalization of St. Maarten s decolonization process.