What would drive someone to kill the leader of the free world? The answers may not be as political as you think. Not everyone has a statement to make or a
Andrew Jackson, the seventh president, was unlike the earlier U.S. presidents. His family was poor, he had little education, and he lived on what was then the western part of the country. His image as a military hero and man of the people made him a popular choice for the presidency.
Whig Party, in U.S. history, major political party active from 1834 to 1854 that espoused a program of national development but foundered on the rising tide of sectional antagonism. They borrowed the name Whig from the British party opposed to royal prerogatives.
0 rivals in an epic mayor for race that would play out a few years later, they joined together to introduce what was called the equality act of 1974. for first time ever there was now legislation in congress to ban employment discrimination against gays and lesbians. it went farther than that, extending protections to women and unmarried people as well. housing, public accommodations and public facilities like libraries. it went nowhere in congress that year, given the tide of social change, seemed like the sort of bill that would slowly but surely work its way to passage in the years ahead. in fact, it wasn t long before there was a companion bill in the senate. introduced by paul tsongas, a democrat for massachusetts. what no one saw coming then was the backlash. brand-new, well organized backlash from culturally conservative forces. it was the pace of social and cultural change in the 1970s that gave rise to the religious right. fundamentalists and evangelical dark day for the gay r