Kindred Revealed In Amazing Spider-Man #66 (Major Spoilers)
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The Kindred storyline in Amazing Spider-Man took a little bit of a back seat in recent months, in favour of Kingpin s own battle on the streets, using Kindred as a side-project. Today s Amazing Spider-Man #66 switches that back again and brings up a few of our old theories. With the repented Norman Osborn getting up close to the Harry Osborn-from-hell Kindred.
Kindred Revealed In Amazing Spider-Man #66 (Major Spoilers)
Longtime readers will be familiar with Bleeding Cool s theories regarding just what kind of Harry Osborn Kindred is. It remains Bleeding Cool s contention that this is the pre-One More Day version of Harry Osborn, sent to hell when he died after becoming the Green Goblin (again). That his resurrection for One More Day was a creation by Mephisto, who arranged the whole thing. And then gave the dead Harry Osborn hellish power, and set him amongst Spider-Man s family and friends for his own amu