happy friday it s 4:00 in new york. he has held no press conferences, done no interviews that we know about he is elusive. the inner workings of his highly sensitive assignment a bit of a mystery outside of what some journalists worked to uncover. when it comes to the special counsel jack smith and his federal investigations, plural, into donald j. trump it takes an ear to the ground adept and trained to know when progress is being made this afternoon trusted voices suggest it is time to buckle up. here s why in dates since the federal appeals court in washington rejected the ex-president s bid to block former staffers from testifying in the january 6th investigation, ex-aides have paraded in and out of depositions without fig leaf protections of executive an attorney-client privilege. on tuesday it was stephen miller late yesterday it was former dni john ratcliffe soon it could be the star witness, donald trump s former vice president mike pence himself. last week an advisor
the notion that the watchdog groups and that journalists are doing the work of digging up truly shocking conflicts and that it is being defended as you hate justice thomas is kindergarten stuff. let me assure everyone if anything came out that justice kagan or justice sotomayor doing anything illegal there would be congressional hearings in 15 minutes. yeah. part of the problem here is that we get hung up on the micro sto stories. care yo care about the rj and crow s like napkins that are embroidered with nazi insignia s thomas mom has crow for a landlord and that s not okay it means that in a deep, deep way somebody who has poured millions of dollars into groups
knew that you were being asked to do these things in the name of the united states government? not only knew but i was told that the request is coming from jim comey at the request of somebody. do not assume it is the president. do not assume it was president obama. do not assume that. absolutely. this is you have their names? yeah. this is the kindergarten stuff. when they respond they are going to say we like patrick byrne, but this story is 100% fugasi. i promise you they will no comment. they will not come out and deny it. if they deny it. do you have anything in writing? this is the silly part. this is wild. you have to have proof. chris, i am light years
yeah. this is the kindergarten stuff. i have to believe when they respond they will say we like patrick byrne. he was good in business. but this story is 100% fugasi. they are not going to do that. they will no comment. if they come out to deny this. do you have anything in writing? this is the silly part. this story is so wild you have to have proof. chris, i am light years beyond the world you are talking about. sara, do we have a response from james comey or law enforcement? so right now we reached out to james comey, fbi, doj, we don t have a response from them. cnn hasn t independently corroborated the claim patrick byrne is claiming. he did not provide any proof of
the request of x, and then two months later then mr. z has added his name. now you ve given them anonymity now but i heard you say on fox, if you go put a cruise missile jim comey s face and say the name patrick byrne, you won t like the reaction he gets. that s the z. that s mr. z. so you believe that jim comey knew that you were being asked to do these things in the name of the united states government. not only knew. i was specifically told this request is coming from jim comey at the request of somebody who i will not name. do not assume it is the president. it was president obama. do not assume that. that came out. absolutely. this is all the stuff. and you have their names? oh, yeah. this was all this is the kindergarten stuff. i have to believe, they ll say we like patrick byrne, he