he s always had to do well since he s gotten intoight the political game. he s going to fight like. he s going to fight these guys. but what should reallye hell be telling to everybody is how fast you see jack smith go on tv. you knowd be tolis, we re going. this incredibly fast. we re definitely going to do before the election. armean, doesn t that tell you that they re doing this for one motivation? and that s to take the guy out? this is the weaponization of the system. ed it th but, you know, even ifw ab you believed it this time, how about the last ten times when it s failed? how about what they did to kavanaugh? how about what they di how d to himabt wh over the ukraine? how about what they did to him over russia? i mean ukrainewhat ahat they, h literally weaponizing the irs againslitet all conservatives? this is what they do. and this is what my father, n ar more so than any person in american history, has shown the american histo people. he s literally exposed these frauds for
i m taking some personal time and i m walking down the street. are you goine ang down there? what s up? are you going down there ati am all? um, yep. n ar now, when are you going? uh, i ll sure that when i m ready to take a look , i m taking some personal time. t not just a robot., but a nasty one .a ph could i get a photo ofot you? ue and then he did.r e buttigieg now you wonder what people with judge is going to do with that th photophoto. ab makes yoouu shiver a little bit. if you think too much about it. stop so we re going to stop. e hi meanwhile, outside mayor pete s nifty little cocoon of bistro so and instagram selfies, life goes on in america and in many places it is getting tougher. not that he cares evens. a little bit. here s the mayor of his after palestine on february 16th, nearly two weeks after the derailment, explained thathd he had heard nothing from people. judge watch. i . i don t know anything.
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Vineri, 27 August 2021 - Ne pregatim pentru reluarea preliminariilor care ar trebui sa ne duca la Mondialul din Qatar. Asta presupunand ca mai crede cineva in calificarea la baraj, ca mai mult e utopic. Oare Mirel Radoi mai crede? Fiind vorba de o transa de 3 meciuri, selectionerul a chemat multi jucatori, 26. Lotul a fost analizat si-n dunga, pe buna dreptate, unele alegeri putand genera perplexitate.