r. herman cruise terminal and northeast wharf plaza. staff came before you on july 7, 2011. the historic preservation commission had a hearing on august 3. there was no public testimony at that hearing, and they continued their discussion until august 17, next week. today s action is a public hearing on the adequacy and accuracy of the affirmation contained in the draft eir, and we ask that comments be focused on this. the draft eir the significant and unavoidable impact related to noise and air quality. the draft eir found significant impacts that could be mitigated on cultural resources, noise and vibrations, when and shadow, biological resources, technology and water quality and hazardous materials. there will be no decision today to approve or disapprove the proposed project. that hearing will follow the final eir. we are here today to receive comments from the public and commissioners regarding the draft eir. also pertains ceqa. comments will be transcribed, and they wil
this noise will be funneled uphill from the natural amphitheater into the nearby neighborhood. something like a reverse megaphone. this will go on from 9:00 a.m. until 7:00 p.m. at night nine days in a row. these are serious and cumulative impacts. thank you. president olague: thank you. you can keep coming up to the mic when you hear your name called. however you want to do a. it. thank you, commissioners. this is a copy of my proposal for staff and commissioners. my name is dennis mckinsey. i am here to provide you with a copy of my proposal i have shared with the port commission, port staff, a city hall, the mayor s office, the board of supervisors, mr. barry ellison, as well as the san francisco unified school district. i am proposing that mr. ellison and the city as well as the school district create a marine science career path away as part of this project in order to be, as you have mentioned, cultural and environmental impacts. this program is only for three years
will be noise from airhorns, and noise from motorized vehicles. this noise will be funneled uphill from the natural amphitheater into the nearby neighborhood. something like a reverse megaphone. this will go on from 9:00 a.m. until 7:00 p.m. at night nine days in a row. these are serious and cumulative impacts. thank you. president olague: thank you. you can keep coming up to the mic when you hear your name called. however you want to do a. it. thank you, commissioners. this is a copy of my proposal for staff and commissioners. my name is dennis mckinsey. i am here to provide you with a copy of my proposal i have shared with the port commission, port staff, a city hall, the mayor s office, the board of supervisors, mr. barry ellison, as well as the san francisco unified school district. i am proposing that mr. ellison and the city as well as the school district create a marine science career path away as part of this project in order to be, as you have mentioned, cultural
mayor s office, the board of supervisors, mr. barry ellison, as well as the san francisco unified school district. i am proposing that mr. ellison and the city as well as the school district create a marine science career path away as part of this project in order to be, as you have mentioned, cultural and environmental impacts. this program is only for three years. might plan is my plan is to address the issues for the san francisco high-school kids and for many, many years in the future. i am asking that all these parties involved take the leadership and build this facility and work with the school district, as well as the commission here to work together with everyone involved. there are many needs, as we all know, many sectors of our country, economically, educational, and our kids need the real world practical experience to go out there and see what positions exist and the cooperation and shared vision that is necessary between the public and private sector. thank you
however you want to do a. it. thank you, commissioners. this is a copy of my proposal for staff and commissioners. my name is dennis mckinsey. i am here to provide you with a copy of my proposal i have shared with the port commission, port staff, a city hall, the mayor s office, the board of supervisors, mr. barry ellison, as well as the san francisco unified school district. i am proposing that mr. ellison and the city as well as the school district create a marine science career path away as part of this project in order to be, as you have mentioned, cultural and environmental impacts. this program is only for three years. might plan is my plan is to address the issues for the san francisco high-school kids and for many, many years in the future. i am asking that all these parties involved take the leadership and build this facility and work with the school district, as well as the commission here to work together with everyone involved. there are many needs, as we al