Also on Saturday, Monster Energy BMX athlete Felix Prangenberg was announced as the winner of X Games gold in this year s X Games Real BMX contest. In the video competition judged by an expert jury, the 23-year-old from Rossbach, Germany, took the top spot on the strength of a 90-second video part captured on street spots with filmer/editor David Schaller.
Supported by Monster Energy as the official energy drink partner, X Games 2021 was contested as a closed-to-the-public event at three unique athlete training facilities across Southern California: BMX team rider Pat Casey hosted BMX events at his Dream Yard on July 14. Next, Axell Hodges legendary Slayground compound welcomed the world elite of Moto X on July 15. And finally, skateboarding events, alongside BMX Street, were contested at the California Training Facility (CA|TF) from July 16 to 18.