South Portland High School Class of 1963 60th reunion, late morning to early afternoon July 19 at Two Lights State Park picnic shelter, Cape Elizabeth. Park admission free to Maine seniors, $2 cash for non-resident seniors. Bring refreshments, lunch, and non-alcohol beverages, and a dish to share if desired. A brief memorial to be held […]
Bonny Eagle Bonny Eagle High School Class of 1973 50th reunion, June 24. Looking for classmates to reconnect and attend the celebration. For more information, email Please include name/maiden name if applicable. Also, check out the Facebook page at Bonny Eagle Class of 73 Reunion. Brunswick Brunswick High School Class of 1983 40th class […]
Bonny Eagle Bonny Eagle High School Class of 1973 50th Reunion, June 24. Looking for classmates to reconnect and attend the celebration. For more information, email Please include name/maiden name if applicable. Also, check out the Facebook page at Bonny Eagle Class of 73 Reunion. Brunswick Brunswick High School Class of 1983 40th class […]