these children to be $25 billion for a wall when we have all of the needs that we have for infrastructure, in our own country? so this is the fight that we will be having, not about people, but about values, not just about people but about values. so, kimberly, let me come to you. one of the angles that surprises me, obviously democrats aren t onboard. but there s strong opposition coming from people like ted cruz, who says, hey, there was no pathway to citizenship in daca and you re offering them one. or breitbart calls it evidence of amnesty dodge. you look at people who have been strong, herridge saying this is a nonstarter. pretty consistent with the earlier, precursor criticisms. but we have said at this table, he s a deal maker and he ll want
mack truck. or i m singing on stage and my alarm goes off as i open my mouth. wonder what that means. mine is always being late, when i was white house press secretary, couldn t find the briefing roomed and dressed in jeans. i remember, also, like being on this one, i thought it was so real i couldn t find the studio. and it was getting to be 4:58, 4:59 and i miss the top of the show. i get those a lot. the dream most often, i m in a lifeboat with dobbs and kilmey and dobbs is waiting for him to fall asleep to butcher and eat him. ew! that happens a lot. i can t believe we only that s it? only time for one minute? okay, you re on mars, building a colony, what would you build first on mars? a booth room. i agree. bar. golden toilet. nice. kimberly? a bed.
time for one more thing, mine is short but i love dogs i thought this was cute. from the american kennel club. this is piper on a pinball machine, they love to get, you know, to track things. that s what they do in their real life in their jobs. but this is a pinball machine. jasper s favorite thing is fish, i don t have a pick turn of that. if you go to instagram@danaperino, you ll find it there. kimberly? anybody here nutty for nutel l.a.? yeah. do you have any? on on me? you bring any? that was another dream. [ laughing ] we keep winning around here. everybody loves a good sale, right? would you ever expect, so people went absolutely nutty for nutella, 70% off, i was
there s some dispute whether he said he would quit. but he was a stop sign saying hold, mr. president, this could be deeper waters than we re ready to go into, pick up on dana s point, why is this story coming out now? exactly, the timing. who comes out as a hero, the hero comes out as don mcghan. might be protective as well. what is the reason, why would this come out during this timing. bill kristol had a tweet, kimberly said maybe don mcghan and trump s lawyers put this out seven months after the fact ball games the president is now considering firing mueller. or maybe that the special counsel released it through four second-hand sources in the new york times to build an obstruction case, continue to build the obstruction case they want to bring even though there s no there there. come on. you know what you can set your watch to, every time there s a foreign trip that this
anyway, facebook friday, answering your questions. bag of fritos. but i m old. i never got that. prizes? maybe it was burnt chip. you sure you aren t thinking of crackerjacks? no, fritos used to be a rubber man. i thought that was cereal? no, no, no. you re wasting appreciates facebook time. kimberly, did you did any of you have a reoccurring dream that you would like to share not really, no. [laughing] well, why? wow, wow, she shut down a nosey viewer. it s like a naked dream, i don t want to talk about it. go to school, take a test, you don t have any clothes on. those kind of naked dreams, got you. i was thinking of something completely different.