4. Pledge of Allegiance
6. Public Participation: Comments should be submitted through comments@rsu13.org
7. Consent Agenda
B. To acknowledge the retirement of:
1) Kristin Gould, Tech Integrator, Ash Point Community School, effective August 31
2) Jeffrey Wright, Math Teacher, Oceanside High School, effective August 31
3) Kimberlee Hammond, Special Education Teacher, Oceanside High School, effective August 31
8. Reports
B. Report of the Assistant Superintendent
C. Report of the Business Manager
D. Report of the Board Chair
9. Business Items
A. To accept the resignation of Darren Wallach, Social Studies Teacher, Oceanside High School, effective August 31
B. To undertake a second reading of:
1) Revised Policy ADC-R – Tobacco Use and Possession – Administrative Procedure