THE government has warned that it will take stern legal action against social media group administrators and individuals, who circulate indecent online content. The warning comes after a lengthy monitoring carried out by the Tanzania Communications Regulatory Authority (TCRA), which has establis .
WHILE the Tanga Anglican Bishop, the Rt. Rev. Dr Maimbo Mndolwa cautioned at a year-end service that modern saloons were a source of marriage breakups due to extended services that married men get from young ladies working there, health experts are adding to the litany of woes.
THE Dar es Salaam Rapid Transit Agency (DART) has allocated four large capacity buses early in the morning and early evening to take primary and secondary school learners along the Mbezi-Kimara-Gerezani and Kivukoni major routes.
SINGAPORE : In the spirit of giving during the joyous festive season in December 2022, PIL employees from Egypt, Jordan, Kenya and Tanzania put their heads
Amid a broad-based effort to sort vaccine fact from vaccine fiction, health workers and community leaders in Tanzania are noticing a change in attitudes among young and old.