Michaela Meade
Plans for a hotel in Ardlie Street, Westmeadows have been knocked back by Hume council following 252 objections from residents.
The council also received a petition signed by 679 people, calling for council to reject the application for 11-17 Ardlie Street.
Twenty-four public submissions against the development were heard at last week’s council meeting,
One person spoke in favour of the development. Resident Terence Clifton’s objection was read aloud at the meeting and was met with applause from the gallery.
Mr Clifton said the development “has the potential to create a blot on the landscape” of Westmeadows.
“If 252 objections plus a 679 signature petition, versus just one submission in favour, is not enough to void this proposal, one must ask if the ratepayers of Hume are ever going to have a voice on what happens in our area,” Mr Clifton said in his statement.