Underground coal seams can burn unnoticed for years. They can also spark raging wildfires. Funding to extinguish them is limited, but a mapping effort is underway to plot the smoldering coordinates.
Jane Swift shows some of the potpourri she has produced from cuttings from around the farm. WILLIAMSTOWN, Mass. — As she shows off the potpourri produced.
Jane Swift shows some of the potpourri she has produced from cuttings from around the farm. WILLIAMSTOWN, Mass. — As she shows off the potpourri produced.
know, new revelations that could potentially be relevant to this jury here in georgia. we know that the district attorney here has been paying attention to those. one of those revelations was in a little noticed court filing. it sort of gives you a sense of the panic we saw around that call, the call between donald trump and brad raffensperger. a top aide to rofen sperger was texting mark meadows during the call saying, need to end this call. i don t think this will be productive much longer. meadows responds, okay, and fuchs says, let s save the relationship, thank you. that s what was happening in real time. we know how this has progressed since then, but today is going to be a big day for the district attorney. gives her pretty broad investigative powers going forward. appreciate it, thank you. joining us to discuss former assistant u.s. attorney and law professor at the university of baltimore, kim wells, and also the author of how to think like a lawyer and why.