The financial regulator said Monday it will only require local firms to disclose their investments and business activities related to climate issues, a move aimed at minimizing additional burdens that will be placed on companies following the implementation of new environmental, social and governance (ESG) disclosure requirements.
Financial Services Commission (FSC) Vice Chairman Kim So-young will meet with foreign investors in Singapore and Thailand next week to promote its corporate “value-up” initiative intended to reinvigorate the chronically stagnant local bourse, market watchers said Tuesday.
The financial regulator said Wednesday it will unveil a set of guidelines on public disclosures for investments that commit to environmental, social and governance goals in March or April, the financial regulator said Wednesday. The new standards, however, will continue to be subject to changes until their implementation in 2026 or later, according to Kim So-young, vice chairman of the Financial Services Commission. .
The Financial Services Commission (FSC), the country s top financial regulator, is pushing for a stronger disclosure obligation in the corporate mergers and acquisitions (M&A) process, aiming to better protect and enhance general shareholders rights. The financial authority also plans to impose expanded responsibilities to a corporate board to ensure more transparency in their decision-making process on M&A deals.
From the second half of this year, a company will face stricter disclosure obligations on its handling of treasury shares, ranging from the acquisition and holding to disposal, the country s top financial regulator announced Tuesday.