FRESNO, Calif. (KFSN) "It's just overwhelming," said Kim Sands.
Burnt windows and rubble are all that's left of Kim Sands' mobile home, which is now gated and closed off after a fire broke out Wednesday night.
"I lost three big cats, and I lost two kittens," said Sands. "I had a wood burner
it was damning evidence. and it was evidence that, on top of everything else, probably hurt us. finally the prosecutors called their witnesses against seth, including kim sand, one of his former roommates. she and seth lived together in a house in sunrise, florida. she said seth came to the house with pablo ibar, a black mercedes. came in, had blood all over his clothes. he and pablo took their clothes off, washed them in the washing machine. red bubbles had come out of the washing machine. she said she saw him with ibar changing clothes, taking a shower and driving off in the mercedes. kim saying i came home and seen bloody bubbles flying out of the washing machine. but the crime scene technicians went to the house and lifted the washing machine and luminol tested it for any type of dna. they came and testified in the trial and said, if the story was true, what she said, it would have been there.