Synopsis Kingdom: Ashin of the North is a sidequel from Kingdom season two and a backstory about the mysterious character Lee Chang s group encountered on their journey north to discover the origins of the infected. The surprising appearance of
Jun Ji-hyun in the role of Ashin at the end of Kingdom season two intrigued audiences. In this eagerly anticipated bonus story, Jun as Ashin will unveil the mystery behind her identity.
Park Byung-eun, who made a lasting impression in Kingdom season two as the head of the Royal Commandery Min Chi-rok, is also confirmed to star. The new story will detail what had happened to Ashin in the past in the northern region and how the two characters fates intertwined.
A NIGHTMARE WAKES premieres February 4
While composing her famous novel Frankenstein, Mary Shelley descends into an opium-fueled fever dream while carrying on a torrid love affair with Percy Shelley. As she writes, the characters of her novel come to life and begin to plague her relationship with Percy. Before long, she must choose between true love and her literary masterpiece. (See header image)
An unsettlingly intimate portrayal of a brilliant artist at her most troubled, A NIGHTMARE WAKES traces the tortured birth of a timeless masterwork and the rightful ascension of its creator to stand alongside her creation.
Starring Alix Wilton Regan (