supervisor walton present. president yee present? supervisor mar present. president, you have to a quorum. i pledge allegiance to the flag of the united states of america, and to the republic, for which it stands, one nation, under god, indivisible, with liberty and justice for all. president yee: okay. on behalf a of the board i would like to acknowledge the staff at sfgovtv, lawrence brian and colleena, who record each of the meetings and make the transcript available to the public online. madame clerk, any communications? clerk: none to report today. president yee: today we re approving the minutes from december 10, 2019 and december 17, 2019 board meetings. are there any changes to these minute meetings meeting minutes? seeing none. can i have a motion to approve the minutes at presented made by supervisor preston and seconded by supervisor ronen. then, without objection, those minutes will be approved after public comment. madame clerk, please call the consent
by supervisor ronen. then, without objection, those minutes will be approved after public comment. madame clerk, please call the consent agenda, 1 through 16. items 1 through 16 are on consent. would anyone like to sever any items from the consent agenda? seeing no names on the roster, madame clerk, please call the roll? items 1 through 16, supervisor safai aye. stefani aye. walton aye. yee aye. fewer aye. haney aye. mandelman aye. mar aye. peskin aye. there are 11 ayes. president yee: without objection, the ordinances are finally passed and the resolutions adopted unanimously. madame clerk, let s go to our regular agenda, please call item 17 through 19 together. item 17 through 19 are related to the special tax drakt 2019-1, pier 70 condo minutes, to direct notice of special tax lien for the city special tax district 2019-1. number 18 is resolution to authorize and ratify the issuance and sale of bonded indebtedness and other debt not to exceed $1.7 million and ite
We’re The People has announced a new effort to educate, empower, and engage voters with the launch of its rebrand, We Are Voters. The rebrand includes a new