talking points and what the white house is saying, they re saying the president got so many feel from china or at least that china may have played some role in the new let s call it lack of enthusiasm out of north korea after xi jinping met with kim jong-un a second time very recently. there s more to come out here about maybe what was in the white house calculus and we ll see i guess in coming days. if that s the case, the team working on trade, ie larry kudlow, who doesn t like tariffs, who doesn t want a trade war, that s not good news for the road ahead. we can criticize what happened for the last 24 hours all day long but there are three americans that came home over a week ago. there was one american who was beaten to death and came home in a coma, swaenessentiall beaten to death. they shouldn t have been prisoner in the first place. but while we say what a huge disaster this has been for the white house, has it been? because the mike pompeo meeting