On July 16, 2020, the State Department’s Commission on Unalienable Rights released its first draft report to the general public. The report emphasizes the interplay among freedom, democracy, and human rights, and concludes that the promotion of “social and economic rights are essential to a comprehensive foreign policy.”
Which direction will the United Kingdom be taking in the granddebates over the future of the European Union and the impact of itsrelationship with the European Union on its relationship with theUnited States and NATO?
I've been reading blogs that try to list all the ways President Obama’s intervention in Libya is not like former President George W. Bush’s Iraq operation in 2003. There are differences, of course, but most of the explanations presented are transparent attempts to demonstrate that Mr. Obama’s intervention is legitimate but Mr. Bush’s wasn’t. It’s essentially a double standard. After all, Saddam Hussein had murdered more people than Col. Moammar Gadhafi had before anyone intervened. And Col. Gadhafi actually has worked with the United States to give up his weapons-of-mass-destruction (WMD) programs, whereas Saddam actively resisted all United Nations efforts to verify what had happened to his.