Kim Gillan writes, The governor is taking Montana backward, not forward. Is this the Montana we want for our children, those less fortunate, or folks in rural areas?
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FOOD CZAR Millions of people, including 14 million children, said they didn’t have enough food to eat last year because of closed schools and lost jobs. Today, a 15 percent boost to one food program was one of President Joe Biden’s moves to try to blunt Covid’s economic fallout. Biden increased the amount of money families with children get through a pandemic program that replaces meals those kids used to get at school.
put your hands together work together. for you, i do my best 5 he helped create a model who for individual responsibility at all of us are going to bee studying for a long time. s in storew what i oo president bill clinton. stop thinking about tomorrow [applause] all i need all i need, yeah thank you. oh hey mr. mayor, fellow democrats, we ll i need oh, yeah oh, oh, all i need are here to nominate a president, and i have got one in mind. i want to nominate a man whose own life has known its fair share of adversity and i need to get by uncertainty. i want to nominate a man who ran for president in an already thank you weak economy and just six weeks . before an election, one of the biggest recession, a man who [applause] stopped the recession and put us on the long road to recovery, knowing all the while no matter how many jobs he saved or created, there would be millions more weighted, worried about our own kids, trying to keep their hopes alive. i want