A Korean documentary film entitled “The Birth of Korea,” directed by Kim Deog-young, has been the talk of the town lately. The film, which portrays our first president, Syngman Rhee, has reportedly been seen by about 1 million people so far. Especially considering the fact that it is a documentary, not a blockbuster Hollywood film, such a high number of viewers indicates that the film is indeed a huge suc.
A Korean documentary film entitled “The Birth of Korea,” directed by Kim Deog-young, has been the talk of the town lately. The film, which portrays our first president, Syngman Rhee, has reportedly been seen by about 1 million people so far. Especially considering the fact that it is a documentary, not a blockbuster Hollywood film, such a high number of viewers indicates that the film is indeed a huge suc.
The Birth of Korea portrays South Korea’s first president, Syngman Rhee, as good, contrary to popular belief. The biopic is a box-office hit, but has reignited culture wars between right- and left- wing groups.
A documentary film directed by Kim Deog-young called “The Birth of Korea,” seems to have received a very warm reception from theatergoers. I went to Apgujeong CGV in Seoul on Feb. 4 to appreciate the dramatic lifelong fact-based story of Syngman Rhee (1875-1965), who was also known as Unam.
The Birth of Korea, a documentary depicting the life of South Korea’s first president, Syngman Lee (1875-1965), has quickly become a must-see film for moviegoers across the country since its release on Feb. 1.