kim jong il always cast a slightly bizarre figure. his stature and characteristic hair were empowerment for some in the west, but for the democratic people of korea, kim was feared, loved, worshipped and his cultured personality was deeply entrenched. his father was kim il sue who founded the people in world war ii. they invaded the american bats south. after fighting ended, kim became stee steeped in his father s reality, and they became exclusive. they remained technically at work separated by a tense demilitarized zone. gradually kim jong il was groomed for the top, making appearances in front of cheering crowds. when kim sung il died in 1974, his son became ruling secretary of the party of korea, and as head of the army, he resumed his position of power. he was the person who was responsible for awful things. for the existence of one of the worst dictatorships probably not only in korean history but in war history the 21st century. he did not create his dictatorship, b