20 years, glad you caught up with us. i appreciate you being a good teacher. glad the urchins like killing the rising sun. please remember killing jesus. out on paperback. i agree. but they re not. and the chairs cost $15,000 each, so patriots donate to the independencefund.org. reality is not nice, sometimes the folks have to do it. should be a blast, thanks for making the trip. the gang will be in tacoma at
torturous wooden thing was that the stem was placed permanently in the ground as a reminder to anyone who would defy the roman emperor. then they put the crossbeam on top of the stem into a premade fissure and used the rope to tie it in. killing jesus, full of that kind of historical fact. we hope you check it out in paperback. factor tip of the day. that is it for us tonight. please check out the fox news factor web site. different from billoreilly.com. o reilly at fox news, if you want to opine. word of the day, do not be a pull pull turn while writing to the factor. we will be there live as well. kind of like he will be live, we will be live and you will be watching it live right here on
yeahashtag stuffy nose. old. hashtag no sleep. i got it. hashtag mouthbreather. yep. we ve got a mouthbreather. well, just put on a breathe right strip and . pow! it instantly opens your nose up to 38% more than cold medicine alone. so you can breathe . and sleep. shut your mouth and say goodnight mouthbreathers. breathe right. bill: factor tip of the day, but first, jesus is back. we have to do the mail first.
the alert ones will. the book is funny but makes serious points about our out-of-control pc culture. however if the teenager is snowflake, it could be trouble. 110 years old today. i will have what she is having. final factor tip of the day , my book killing jesus is now out in paperback just in time for lent and the upcoming easter season. it was the hardest book for martin and i to write because we wanted to do original research. let me give you one example. this is what the actual cross looked like the jesus of nazareth was nailed to. it was in the shape of a t. the reason the romans used that
it on the subway. if you wear it on the subway, you will be on the tracks coming out on the train. they might stay away from me. bernie, that is how your original hair looked. [laughter] speak of the 70s look. [laughter] bill: all right, gentlemen, thanks for making it. we appreciate it. and the word of the day is mush. the factor tip of the day come us and about jesus. the tip, moments away. they rebounded because a decision was made to protect them. making the right decisions today for your long-term financial future can protect you and your family, and preserve your legacy. ask a financial advisor how retirement and life insurance solutions from pacific life can help you plan for your future.