valentine s day present. i could not decide which book i got the box set of killing patton and killing jesus. i am golden and you deserve to be mario. nice husband. the killing jesus movie set for palm sunday march 29th on the national geographic channel. good time to read jesus if you haven t already. finally tonight, the factor tip of the day. it s clear to anyone with eyes and a brain that the internet has become a superhighway of defamation. anything goes. no accountability. we all know that. that situation has a chilling effect on democracy because falsehoods can become truth in weak minds. and there are plenty of those. so here s the truth. truth really doesn t matter anymore, does it? at least in cyberspace there are scores of websites set up to injure people. i actually feel sorry for hillary clinton and the republican contenders.
people like me for watching fox news, i know i must be doing something right. you have a lot of company, michelle. there are two liberal news networks on cable. and fnc annihilates both of them in the ratings. we report, you guys have decided. england. over here the left goes ballistic at the thought we might get our own fox news. sunrise, florida. mr., o, gave my wife a belated valentine s day present. i could not decide which book i got the box set of killing patton and killing jesus. i am golden and you deserve to be mario. nice husband. the killing jesus movie set for palm sunday march 29th on the national geographic channel. good time to read jesus if you haven t already. finally tonight, the factor tip of the day. it s clear to anyone with eyes and a brain that the internet has become a superhighway of