around town that justine was dead to know that the last moment she spent in this earth, she wasn t so much fear. it s not fair. if he still out there he could still be plotting, he coul still be hunting who s next? jessie gave her all to everything she did. she s on a mission. her whole life and the someone took it all away i was like, jessie? nothing. i giggled through a little bit and then i knew, this is not good what s the problem? my daughter won t wake up she had been murdered in he own bed after coming home from a pool party, a party that hadn t been all fun and games. she was 19 and these were men in their 40s we want to talk to them. did something happen at tha party? what was happening around th small town i remember someone runnin behind, me that i noticed he had a knife in his hand. someone was stalking youn women. it was either i try to save myself or let this guy d whatever he wants to me. his dreams were there nightmares there were