it was raised. i want her to address that. final word, jack on this issue. i want to know if colin kaepernick were not involved in this, if his name was not raised and this was brewing already. would it have been an issue? i don t think so. it would have gotten attention. because it s the society we live in. listen, colin kaepernick is controversial for a lot of people in america. he started off his kneeling wearing socks depicting cops at pigs. he turned off some people. i m with him. i get more mad when i see over the last month 100 kids shot in chicago. 50 killed in philadelphia. 30 killed in st. louis. that hits my heart to the core. so we have real issues in this country. but to your guest, i want to say we have changed a lot of the things in our country. the star spang ld banner was