as well as outside of people s homes as we have seen. a lot of questions about what the president is talking about when he is encourage knowledge more protests. here is what he had to say over the weekend. president biden: keep protesting and making your point. it is critically important. the only thing that will change this is if we have a national law. critics say there is a chance the protests can get out of hand. last weekend kavanaugh had to leave a d.c. morton s steakhouse through a back door after protestors figured out where he was eating and tried to confront him. they offered cold hard cash to let them know when they see judges out around town. the group mentions targeting specific justices kavanaugh, alito, thomas and others. we have already seen protests outside their homes. one man awaiting trial for alleginging attempting to kill
harassment because they are losing the idea battle? meaning there s been a bigger effort to shame people than there has to engage on the issue. what say you? i don t know if that s what they are trying to do, but i think you may have a point that that could be what s coming across. when you listen to what pete buttigieg has said, i don t think it was his intention, but it sounded like a little bit of one upsmanship there, well yeah you have been harassed well i have been harassed. when people hear that, the message that they say they are trying to get across, which is there has to be a line is lost. yes. and the sad thing is that heaven forbid some day someone s going to go too far with one of these justices or one of these public figures, and then the finger pointing will begin again. that s the nart s difficult here. that s the part that s difficult here. it comes from the aftermath for someone being arrested for trying to kill kavanaugh. there s a laughing matter in
kill kavanaugh when he was arrested early wednesday morning. sandra: republicans point the fingers at democrats rhetoric on abortion leading to the threat on kavanaugh s life. and judge esther salas who lost her only son in a racially motivated attack, she joined us yesterday. she is calling on congress to take action and protect all judges in this country. the american people are wanting our government to work and i think they want all the blame game to stop. we can t agree on everything, but there are certain things we can agree on and i think not killing judges in their homes is something we all could agree on. john: illinois democratic congresswoman bustos will join us in a moment, but david spunt has the latest on the kavanaugh case. david: nicholas roske woke up
early wednesday morning. he was wearing black clothing. he got out of the car. spotted by two deputy marshalls. he walked down the street. about a half an hour later, the marshalls say he picked up the phone, called 911 and he wanted to kill kavanaugh while he was having suicidal thoughts. police a reid. they found a glock pistol, a knife, a screwdriver, pepper spray, a crowbar, duck tape and a nail punch. last night as you mentioned, this protest outside the home of kavanaugh came via ruth sentas, aimed at protesting a right to choose. they chose to do this not even 24 hours after this suspect planned to kill kavanaugh. a bipartisan group of senators passed a bill that would extend federal protection to justices and their families. the bill has been sitting in the house for weeks, neil. it went nowhere today. the house is off tomorrow and back next week.
justices, of course, strike at the heart of our democracy. you don t care if people die! reporter: this incident comes amid a series of dramatic protests outside the homes of supreme court justices, after the leak of that draft supreme court opinion which suggest the justices are planning to overturn roe versus wade. an internal dhs memo released this week warning of an increasingly dangerous threat environment, partially stoked by that pending supreme court decision. according to authorities, roske told them he was there to kill kavanaugh because he was angry over that draft opinion and the uvalde shooting. today, reaction in washington was swift, with senate minority leader mitch mcconnell calling on house democrats to approve a senate bill that would enhance security for the justices. this is exactly, exactly the kind of event that many feared the terrible breach of the court s rules and norms could fuel. reporter: david, threats investigated against federal