What They Say:
The God of Destruction Magu Menueku has been summoned by the Chaos Cult. Humanity’s last hope is the honorable Holy Knights! The battle to save mankind…took place hundreds of years ago… But now a girl out in the country named Ruru releases the legendary god of destruction who had been trapped in a magical jewel! Will the natto-eating, destruction beam-blasting Magu-chan fill the world with complete chaos? This heart-warming, destructive comedy series is ready to explode onto the scene!
The Review
Content: (please note that content portions of a review may contain spoilers):
There is a new challenger for Magu-chan’s title as the God of Destruction. I’m a bit confused since I thought Magu-chan was the God of Darkness but let’s roll with it. Kikyo continues her work with the occult club and discovers there is a new god, Gu La, hiding in the waters. The first thing it wants to is to pick a fight with everyone, especiall