BookBrowse's review of Kij Johnson's The Privilege of the Happy Ending and their Beyond the Book article, Dream Interpretation are featured today in their "Top Picks." During the week or so that the book is featured, everyone can read the review and article in full. After that, only members can read in full, everyone else
While we won't be at World Fantasy, some of our books will be, and, even better, some of the authors: starting with one of the guests of honor, Kij Johnson. I just grabbed her schedule from this page so if you're there, hope you will get to see some of this and maybe get a
When we published our first book by Kij Johnson, At the Mouth of the River of Bees, an amazing wide-ranging collection of stories, I had no idea that eleven years later we'd be publishing our third: The Privilege of the Happy Ending: Small/Medium/Large Stories. This time we accompanied the trade paperback with a small hardcover
I was reading our local paper, the Daily Hampshire Gazette, at first breakfast with our kid (me: tea; toast: marmite; toast: peanut butter & banana) this morning & was delighted to see a review of Kij Johnson's The Privilege of the Happy Ending which Kij launches on Tuesday at the Raven Bookstore in Lawrence, Kansas,