[ male announcer ] wells fargo. with you when you re ready to move. [ male announcer ] wells fargo. can you believe how fast kids grow these days? and since 90% of bone strength is developed before adulthood. it s so important that they get enough calcium every day. that s why there s new danonino. danonino! unlike leading kids yogurts, danonino has twice the calcium of milk, ounce per ounce, with vitamin d. so it s power packed for healthy growth. and its rich creamy taste is. yummy! so they can start building strong bones today. for stronger bodies tomorrow. new danonino from dannon. power packed to help kids grow.
explain why. these are not my normal cookies. take them back! can you believe how fast kids grow these days? and since 90% of bone strength is developed before adulthood. it s so important that they get enough calcium every day. that s why there s new danonino. danonino! unlike leading kids yogurts, danonino has twice the calcium of milk, ounce per ounce, with vitamin d. so it s power packed for healthy growth. and its rich creamy taste is. yummy! so they can art building strong bones today. for stronger bodies tomorrow. new danonino from dannon. power packed to help kids grow. i have asthma. and that s what it sounded like when my symptoms came back. i d get this tightness in my chest. like i was breathing through a straw. so i went back to mdoctor again. we talked about choices in controller medicines. we chose symbicort to help control my asthma. [ ] while it s not a rescue inhaler, symbicort improves my lung function,
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the u.s. military launching a top secret mission into space. we are getting inside info from a former air force commander. what is this all about? just ahead. before adulthood. it s so important that they get enough calcium every day. that s why there s new danonino. danonino! unlike leading kids yogurts, danonino has twice the calcium of milk, ounce per ounce, with vitamin d. so it s power packed for healthy growth. and its rich creamy taste is. yummy! so they can start building strong bones today. for stronger bodies tomorrow. new danonino from dannon. power packed to help kids grow. i make my efforts count. so i switched to the freestyle promise® program. a unique program that gives me. the support i need, free. free ss to a certified diabetes educator. so i can ask about diet and the insulin i use. i got a free meter. and test stridiscounts.
that s foxnews.com/shep. can you believe how fast kids grow these days? and since 90% of bone strength is developed before adulthood. it s so important that they get enough calcium every day. that s why there s new danonino. danonino! unlike leading kids yogurts, danonino has twice the calcium of milk, ounce per ounce, with vitamin d. so it s power packed for healthy growth. and its rich creamy taste is. yummy! so they can start building strong bones today. for stronger bodies tomorrow. new danonino from dannon.