in the digital footprint the dentist left behind. i ve bee n worried about tiktok for years is chinese finiteness, to talk all but ceo admitted it on congress, how communist china may be using it to control our kids think. colleges with safe spaces, i m tired of safe spaces. i have an unfiltered rate i p promise you you re notro going o want to miss no safe spaces, p headset is here to react, don t miss that. everything the democrats t warned us was going to happen s under the trump presidency don t you find the audits happeningbi under bideden presidency?is it would happen under trump , tapley now under biden, the hysteria was endless. trump is getting bring about thp police state and take the economy he s definitely going to cause a nuclear war and build a follow shelter tomorrow. the democrats and the media in our licking their chops in thegh prospect of arresting and indicting trump they want to walk so bad, grand jury so far seems to suck really bad on a 1 - 10 suck
attacks on our faith are something to really worry about and we should be very vigilant. dan: you are right it s hard to get a generation of kids torm defend the country were teaching them to hate her good luck with the buckets honored to work witn you i appreciate youtr coming ot in your service to the country, and thank you b. dan: for socialism to take hold government has to take the i ultimate control. the biden team is looking to create a centralized bank digital currency that theycy control, my home state of c florida is dirtyon fighting bac. with the central bank digital currency is all about is surveilling americans by using academy to advance a political agenda, look ntho further than china this will ensure any effort to adopt a worldwidegi digitatal currency will never