we had a 14-year-old kid arrested three times within the last year. the fourth time we arrested him it was for lighting a man on fire who was sitting in his chair in his living room. we failed that kid. we did nothing to get him to counseling and the services he needed. unfortunately, sometimes, you know, you may need to put these kids into a home, a kid jail, if you will. we are failing our kids by not intervening and not stepping in and simply giving them a ticket and asking them to show up in court in two days. you put some of the blame on political leadership in the state. if you could wave a magic wand and change two things, what would those two things be? . i would get rid of the partisanship that currently exists when we talk about crime. crime is not a partisan issue. we all have the same goal, we want to be safe, we want our families to be safe. you talk about some reforms that