by a clown for the background being borisjohnson. it s very rarely get direct quotes from world leaders being so incredibly discouraging about others. i think it sums up pretty accurately whether british, french relations has got to do meadow macon, johnson relationship has gotten over quite a few things the fishing, margaret channel crisis conundrum. it s hard to think you could get quite worse. the former ambassador said this morning that relations haven t been this bad between britain and france since the battle of waterloo. some 206 years ago. that really is fairly terminal. it s ago. that really is fairly terminal. it s also decent knock around stuff. the french and federal election come round in may, emmanuel macron is up for reelection. just as it works here, nothing requires that his friends is a french president kicking a bread. i friends is a french president kicking a bread. friends is a french president kicking a bread. i am reliably informed kicking a bread. i am reliab