will pick up the slack. i m happy to kick her for this particular interview performance because not to take cheap shots but drew holdson a great follow written at the federalist and on twitter. he pointed out this administration, and jen psaki in particular continues to message and i think shape policy around targeting about six white women in manhattan. i mean, kick boxing and marge rid that as therapy? you have developed a party centralled around the upper west side. congratulations democrats with a broad voting base. everybody loves a margarita. it s really more about the combo of kick boxes and margaritas. rachel: don t mark margaritas, will. will: i wouldn t. joey: marine culture get drunk and fight. i get it.
problem attic as well. i m an african american man. when i go vote i want to know that my vote counts. my grandmother who is 80 plus years old has seen black people not have the ability to vote and now have the ability to vote. and so when you make flippant comments about go have a margarita and a kick boxing class, about something that s so sensitive, something that people have given their lives to, and especially when you re whiteyou do it it comes off as super offensive. that s what s been wrong with this administration. they re talking at people. not talking to people. yeah, they have black people on the staff but are the black people on the staff being listened to? it doesn t feel like they are. lizz, much ado about nothing, exactly how many margaritas do we need to drink to make sure democrats can get something passed and hold onto congress come november? i think, i mean, it s spot on
my vote counts. my grandmother who is 80-plus years old have seen black people not have the ability to vote and now have the ability to vote. when you make flippant comment about go have a margarita and a kick boxing class about something so sensitive and that people have given their lives to and when you re white and you do it, it comes off at super offensive. and that s the essence of what s been wrong with this administration. they re talking at people, not to people. yeah, they have black people on the staff but are the black people on the staff actually being listened to? because it doesn t feel like they are. liz, much ado about nothing? exactly how many margaritas do we need to drink to ensure democrats can get some kind of voting rights passed and hold on to congress come november? i mean, i think, i mean, it just spot on to say what are you even saying? how can you even spit that out and be a person of privilege to
there is a clear choice, the choice between a party that works for people and is focused on the future. and a party that s completely controlled by one man and focused on re-litigating the past. pete: that s joe biden going grassroots for clean up. that s how joe biden is handling it jen psaki has her own way of coping with a disastrous rollout of joe 2.0. this week has been frustrating, devastating. angering all of those things. everyone out there frustrated, sad, angry, pissed off feel those emotions go to kick boxing class, have a margarita. do what you need to do this weekend wake up and keep fighting. pete: go to a kick boxing class that will fix all of your issues. punch a pillow, make you feel good. that s how they talk when they talk to the grassroots when they are trying to clean there all up. goes from bad to worse for joe biden and his administration as
a couple things about myself. i m 19, and been overseas a couple of semesters. i heard kick boxing is the sport of the future. and i m the champion of the sport and i can see by your face, no. my point is you can relax because your daughter will be safe with me for the next seven to eight hour, sir. say anything is a romantic comedy for guys. here is the story of being an optimist and how that can sometimes be a revolutionary act. rebellion takes many different forms and sometimes the rebellion takes the form of loving the woman that they say you can t love. and you make you re life s goal her. watch out for that glass. thanks. if moments make movies, as they say for say anything, it s the moment when lloyd holds the boom box and plays peter gabriel to try to woo diane court back. all my instincts they return