The Malayalam action comedy film directed by Tinu Pappachan has been released on Thursday 23 December. IMDb rating of the film Ajagajantharam is 8.9 out of 10.
Watch Kaaval teaser: More emotion than thrills
The trailer gives one the impression that the characters of Suresh Gopi and Renji Panicker are close friends whose lives are one day turned upside down by a debilitating setback.
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For a film directed by Nithin Renji Panicker and featuring two heavyweights associated with the best of Malayalam action cinema, the trailer of Kaaval is surprisingly driven more by emotion than thrills, a much welcome move.
The trailer gives one the impression that the characters of Suresh Gopi and Renji Panicker are close friends whose lives are one day turned upside down by a debilitating setback.