IMPHAL Nine Manipur government officials including two state civil service officers and a doctor were suspended on charges of ‘misusing of power’ and manipulating land records. Chief Minister N Biren Singh said this during a press briefing at CM’s secretariat in Imphal on Friday. The two MCS (Manipur civil service) officers are K Goverdhon Singh and Samson Huidrom. And Dr. O Budhachandra of Jawaharlal Nehru Institute of Medical Sciences was suspended on charges of admitting two officers (in the ward) without proper examination. G Chinglensana Kabui, a Sub-Divisional Collector while the other suspended officials are M Sanatomba Singh, L Biswanath Singh, Md Hassan and T Hemjit Singh who are all mandals. The suspended officials also include O Munal Singh and Md Jahangir who are retired mandals. Highlighting the responsibility of officers, he directed the state government officials to render their service sincerely and also to refrain from committing any wrongful activity. He a
According to police, Khongjom Police Station received a tif-off on sunday about 9.30 am from specific input that illegal IMFL are being manufactured at a house located at Khongjom Maning leikai area.