Members of the Khnong Veal community claim that forest crimes are continuing to occur at an alarming rate in the Phnom Oral Wildlife Sanctuary in Kampong Speu province, especially in the dense forest near Phnom Khnong Veal in Tasal commune.
Residents of Sorya village in Oral district’s Tasal commune of Kampong Speu province claim that snaring crimes are still a serious concern in the Phnom Oral Wildlife Sanctuary, especially in the Phnom Thom and Khnong Veal areas.
The Ministry of Environment has laid out a policy of protecting forests to generate income from carbon credit sales and eco-tourism, with rangers and forest community members in protected areas acting as the first line of defence.
The Ministry of Environment has laid out a policy of protecting forests to generate income from carbon credit sales and eco-tourism, with rangers and forest community members in protected areas acting as the first line of defence. The ministry said both are now helping boost eco-tourism and their own incomes by acting as guides to eco-tourists.
Around 30 monks, lecturers and students are planning to march 265km, crossing the Cardamom Mountains in the Kingdom’s southwest, to inspire love for nature and promote environment conservation.