SP Abhishek Tiwari had constituted a police team to trace the unknown accused. Along with this, he also issued a cash reward of rupees 10, 000 to the person who would give information about the machine.
, July 16 (IANS/ 101Reporters) "June 10 was a dreadful day for us. My nephew, niece and daughter-in-law were injured in a bus accident at Dudh Talai, near Nipania village. We frantically dialled 108 for an ambulance, but none were .
Abysmal health centres with inadequate testing facilities, shortage of medicines and non-existent ambulance services are the bane of many villages in the district of Ratlam in Madhya Pradesh.
The arrested accused were identified as Mohammed Sajjid (mastermind), and his relative Fardeen, residents of Ratlam. Police recovered Rs 1.2 lakh from Sajjid’s place and Rs 1 lakh from Fardeen’s place.