If rumors are to be believed, Apple is working on the next-gen AirPods Pro. The device is tipped to be launched in the first half of 2021. The AirPods Pro 2 could face a design overhaul with a shorter stem. We expect it to feature an improved music playback, and offer a better battery life. However, we don’t know for sure yet what Apple will bring to the table with its next audio product. Here’s a rumor roundup of the AirPods Pro 2 – combining all the rumors and speculations in one place.
A New Design
Apple is rumored to make the earbuds more compact by eliminating the short stem that currently sticks out from the bottom. The AirPods Pro 2 could come with a more rounded shape to fill more of a user’s ear. They are tipped to be similar to the designs from Samsung, Amazon, and Google.
Smart Speakers could bring contactless health monitoring by detecting abnormal heart rhythms
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