Giani Harpreet Singh issued the ultimatum while addressing a gathering of Sikh sects, organisations, scholars, journalists and intellectuals who had congregated at Akal Takht to discuss the “atmosphere of restlessness in the minds of Sikhs” due to the prevailing situation in Punjab and alleged illegal arrests of Sikh youths.
A large segment of Punjab’s population, especially the businessmen fear that the new wave of radicalization could further lead to terrorism or acts of violence.
The move can help promote Punjabi in the state, but to a limited extent only. It can be considered as a secondary measure for upgrading the position of Punjabi in comparison to that of other languages. To promote Punjabi in true manner, the literacy in Punjabi should start at the grassroots level of
In order to promote Punjabi in the state, putting up signboards in Punjabi is one of many steps required. Among the pioneers of Punjabi language is Bhai Veer Singh, whose 150th birth anniversary falls on December 5 this year. Our local municipal corporation decades ago, named the historic Lawrence R