Bonnie Heebner April 23, 2021
I was pleased to see that Khalil Saliba has decided to be a candidate for the May 8 Lewes City Council election. Having known Khalil for a relatively short period of time, I have witnessed his commitment to what is best for Lewes in all matters without being compromised by external influences. This makes him the person each of us should consider with the power of our vote on May 8. It has been my observation of Khalil to always listen to everyone with an opinion and observation before offering his views. I believe Khalil to be a breath of fresh air for all matters now before the city council and those to come. It is abundantly clear that everything in life is a matter of timing - and the time is right to elect Khalil Saliba to the Lewes City Council. Together we can, and we will be the beneficiaries in doing so.
Thomas F. Jensen April 23, 2021
As a relatively new resident of Lewes (my wife Kathy and I purchased a home here in 2017, and moved to town in 2018), it has become fairly apparent that our great city faces several pressing issues that may very well dictate whether or not we can maintain the superior quality of life that has long made the city a not-so-hidden gem in which to work, play and vacation. The growth “issue” (which is of course multiple issues), traffic, managing the beach and our beautiful natural resources, rising sea level, city finances, the BPW fiasco, etc., are all big-time issues for a small city. Those who we entrust as our representatives in elected government have both great responsibility, and great opportunity, at hand.
Wendell Alfred April 23, 2021
This is an important election for the future of Lewes. With this election, there are five positions between the city council and BPW that are up for consideration. It is an opportunity for the citizens and ratepayers to bring new individuals on these respective boards that will be asked to address our changing demographics.
Two of the three candidates running for city council bring new and fresh ideas for the city of Lewes going forward. Khalil Saliba and Carolyn Jones have a long involvement on various issues supporting the way of life here in Lewes, and both are long-term residents, and should be elected to serve.
Friday, January 8, 2021
Candidates for Lewes City Council and the Board of Public Works made their case to voters April 15-16 in forums hosted by the Greater Lewes Civic Coalition.
Both elections will be held Saturday, May 8.
Incumbent Rob Morgan and challengers Carolyn Jones and Khalil Saliba are seeking two three-year seats on city council. Deputy Mayor Bonnie Osler is not seeking re-election.
The candidates agreed on many topics, including that a tax increase would be a last-resort option. Regarding Morgan’s recent comments criticizing the police department’s budget, the candidates differed.
Morgan touted his record of working with the police on a daily basis while serving in the U.S Attorney’s Office. He said he is not anti-police.
• Someone who will be accessible and actively listen to your concerns/ideas?
• Someone who generates solutions and considers all before making a decision?
• Someone who is willing to listen and authentically consider multiple points of view?
• Someone who knows Lewes well; who has a deep understanding of the background and history of our city?
• Someone who has the best interests of all residents and seeks to serve Lewes to address the quality of life and enjoyment of Lewes?
If your answer is yes to the above questions, we highly recommend that you vote for Khalil Saliba for Lewes City Council Saturday, May 8. Please say yes to Khalil Saliba’s offer to serve on the Lewes City Council.