As fans wonder why they haven't been seeing Khalid Kasem on their screens, new developments reveal the talk show host and former lawyer's temporary withdrawal from television amidst allegations of bribery.
GroenLinks-PvdA is on the rise in the polls and now has 27 (virtual) seats compared to 23 a week ago. That puts Frans Timmermans’ party at the same level as the VVD, according to the latest poll by I&O Research. The liberals remained stable at 27 seats. The PVV achieved a virtual gain of 6 seats, climbing to 26 in the poll. Geert Wilders’ party is now in the top three with the VVD and GL-PvdA, researcher Peter Kanne announced Monday evening during the TV program Khalid & Sophie. Statistically, these three parties are the same size.
Pieter Omtzigt’s NSC lost four virtual seats compared to last week and now stands at 25 seats, according to the latest poll by I&O Research. The VVD gained an additional seat and is up to 27. The two parties are so close that statistically, it is impossible to say who is at the top, the research agency noted. GroenLinks-PvdA gave up one seat and ended up with 23 seats. Researcher Peter Kanne announced the poll Wednesday evening during the TV program Khalid & Sophie.