Was specially designed for that work. These many thousands of special programs were designed for the windows operating system and the more complex Information Technology becomes the more our Public Institutions become dependent on the microsoft monopoly. Its a problem that Martin Charbel the former german director general for Information Technology knows well it. Isnt the german off orators are de facto dependent on microsoft because with very few exceptions microsoft products are used in every Government Office and. That means its not easy to use different software. All documents exist in microsoft format right employees are all trained to use microsoft programs the corresponding servers also run with Microsoft Software so of course theres also results and economic dependence to guide. I think thats what will happen if its continuous for another ten or twenty years or is already my personal concern is that the dependency of various manufacturers and the virtualization of our entire i.
Maybe twelve twenty seventeen overnight a dangerous computer virus spread around the globe one a crime was the name cyber criminals gave to the trojan which they used to blackmail their victims and encrypt that Computer Data the ransom between three hundred and six hundred dollars to be paid into an anonymous bitcoin account more than two hundred thousand computers on all continents were affected by this attack from the German Railway to the ministry of the interior in russia and the japanese car manufacturer a honda. In britain some hospitals even had to implement their emergency plan how could a single piece of malware similar taney asli Cripple Companies hospitals and even Intelligence Services all over the wild the answer involves microsoft all the victims use. At the same software they were all vulnerable in the same way and they all relied on a Single Company namely microsoft the same applies to every state administration in europe. Whats the impact of this dependence journalist
all relied on a single company namely microsoft the same applies to every state administration in europe. what s the impact of this dependence journalist khaled shulman and colleagues from investigate europe wanted to find out the results are alarming. the di lemma affects the data belonging to all of us and out of pendants on microsoft goes far deeper than just our use of word or excel software almost every governmental and public off already in the e.u. from city halls to vehicle registration offices and tax offices in software that was specially designed for that work. these many thousands of special programs were designed for the windows operating system and the more complex information