IT seems to have become always-necessary to increase security checks to fight a new wave of crimes associated with illegal residents. Just recently the “Hawally securitymen arrested 12 Asian expatriates for gambling inside a flat.” Moreover, “during a security crackdown in all the governorates of Kuwait police have arrested 800 residence and labor laws violators”
The Arabic word for Tolerance is ‘Tasamuh’ which literary means to be indulgent and lenient of or toward someone! One can also trace the root of Tolerance in the Arabic language to the verb ‘Tahawana;’ to be negligent of something or someone! What is however more curious about the contemporary discourse of Tolerance in the
According to a recent news report published by the Arab Times “two unidentified expatriates were arrested in possession of a number of barrels and bottles of locally manufactured liquor in Sabah Al-Ahmad area.” Meanwhile “two expatriates a Pakistani and an Indian were arrested for gambling in front of a building in Abu Halifa
The Holy Quran explains that humankind are equals: “O men, We created you from a male and female, and formed you into nations and tribes that you may recognize each other. He who has more integrity has indeed greater honor with God. Surely God is all-knowing and well-informed” (49:13). However, many Muslims continue to adhere