Threads, a new text-based social media platform created by industry giant Meta, is now blocking terms related to COVID-19 and vaccines on its search engines. The Washington Post reported on Monday that the social media platform rolled out its revamp search engine last week, only for users to be met with a blank screen and…
Meta, the parent company of popular social media platforms, is expanding its keyword search feature on Threads to enhance the search experience for users
Meta’s Threads is officially rolling out a keyword search feature in the United States, alongside many other countries including India, Canada, Mexico and the UK. This has been one of the most asked-for features since the platform launched in July. Keyword search appeared last week as a beta in New Zealand and Australia, and it looks that beta was a success given today’s announcement.
the verdict, and then you get sentencing. so, they ve already misleading about the date. they re also representing the judge, there s so much discovery that they needed to get through, they re making these comparisons, if you pointed out all of the discovery, tore down the washington malignant, reading a tolstoy novel. several hundred times. but a lot of the materials already been in the public domain. a lot of discovery material is trump s own material. one of the points of the government made, which was kind of, it explained itself because they re, like you know, you could use keyword search. you can do control f and find what you need. control f. trolling them. honestly. donald trump can make the argument, oh, we don t have the staffing for this. you can hire more people to go through all of the discovery, right? there s nothing preventing him from doing that. yeah, absolutely. look, trump has its own issues there, because it has been a struggle for him to find lawyers who a