Today s Sentinel police log includes vehicle break-ins in Middlesex Township, a guilty plea in a drug overdose and a guilty verdict in a child assault case.
With the right WFH set-up, Keith had a zen energy about the mammoth document review ahead
In the RollOnFriday Firm of the Year 2021, staff were asked to rate their firm s response to the pandemic. Travers Smith emerged as the Jacinda Ardern of firms, topping the table with a score of 97%. DAC Beachroft was just pipped to the post, placing second with a score of 96%. The IT changes over the past couple of years have transformed the firm, said a senior lawyer at Travers Smith (97%). When the pandemic started everyone (from partners to paralegals to business services) was comfortably up and running from home almost immediately. For WFH needs, the firm gave recommendations on everything from monitors to headsets with no real limits in place for expenses.