Keyser High School sweeps W.Va. Ag Innovation Showcase
Mineral Daily News-Tribune
For the News Tribune
KEYSER - Keyser High School swept the top Student Agriculture Innovation Challenge Awards during the statewide West Virginia Agriculture Innovation Showcase presented Feb. 24 during a live online broadcast.
The Challenge and Showcase are sponsored yearly by the Robert C. Byrd Institute (RCBI) at Marshall University, Eastern West Virginia Community & Technical College, and the West Virginia Departments of Agriculture and Education.
Drew Matlick, a freshman at Keyser High, captured the grand champion award for his creative idea to development a software app to assist livestock producers with vaccination timing to improve efficacy. The app also would provide booster shot details and withdrawal dates to prevent meat or milk contamination.
Remembering the life of Coach Larry Harr
Mineral Daily News-Tribune
Tribune Correspondent
KEYSER - Coach Larry Harr may have been small in stature, but there was nothing small about the impact he made on the lives of those he coached, those he coached with on the basketball court, and those he taught, and taught with in the classroom.
The evidence of this is the outpouring of many stories and praise for the teaching and coaching career of Larry Harr since word of Harr’s passing at the age of 84 came on Friday.
“It has been very humbling as a family to know that he has touched so many people. It’s been non-stop since Friday evening; so many warm thoughts and stories have been rolling in from the many people whose lives he touched. They don’t come any more genuine than Larry Harr,” his nephew Joel Harr explained.