What is a Monster Hunter Rise Hunter Rank?
Your Hunter Rank is determined by how many key quests you ve completed in the multiplayer Gathering Hub of the game. Hunter Ranks are split into two divisions Low Rank and High Rank. As the description suggests, Low Rank is easier than High Rank, and while Low Rank quests can technically be completed solo (if you know what you re doing), it s probably best to bring along some friends in High Rank quests, if you don t join other people s hunts online.
How can I raise my Hunter Rank?
Take on Key Quests in the Gathering Hub. If you ve progressed through the single-player campaign, you may be familiar with how this goes. Low-Rank starts at One Star and goes up to Three Star quests. You must complete the required amount of Key Quests in each star level. Key Quests are distinguished by the red diamond symbol displayed on the left side of the quest title, which will turn gray once the quest is completed. You will receive a red check mark every
The Monster Hunter series had very humble beginnings as merely a niche series that started to gain a foothold in the handheld market before truly exploding with Monster Hunter World in 2018. When that game released, Nintendo Switch owners were hoping to get their own port, but instead all they got was an upgraded port of a 3DS game with Monster Hunter Generations Ultimate. Capcom was still very interested in bringing a more modern Monster Hunter experience to the Nintendo Switch though, which finally has come to fruition with the release of Monster Hunter Rise.
For anyone that is new to the Monster Hunter franchise, the core gameplay for the series is literally what the title would lead you to think it is. That is exactly the case in Monster Hunter Rise, where you create your own Hunter character and can go on quests to slay various monsters. However, there is much more to it than that, as there is a lot of depth to the game in a number of different ways that will keep you coming ba