The bill cites Chinese entities such as Third Military Medical University and Key Laboratory of High-Altitude Medicine as examples of ‘espionage tools’ of the Communist Party.
Electric vehicles, powered by renewable energy instead of finite fossil fuels, are the best green choice -; but they could be more sustainable. The most common power source in electric vehicles and portable electronics, lithium-ion batteries rely on an expensive and scarce metal to work.
China s BGI Sold Millions of Covid Test Kits Globally; Report Says it Has Deep Ties With Chinese Military
Intelligence officials in the US issued warnings not to share health data with BGI as there is suspicion that the Chinese are trying to collect DNA data.
Chinese genome sequencing company BGI Group, which was previously known as the Beijing Genomics Institute, has sold millions of COVID-19 test kits outside mainland China, including the US, Europe and Australia. But according to a newly published report, it was found that the Shenzhen-based firm has deep ties to the People s Liberation Army (PLA) and that became a concern of the US intelligence officials.